Rabu, 03 Juli 2019

Data Mining Question and Answer (Softskill)

1. Explain The Meaning of DataWareHousing From Inmon and POE!
  • According to WH Inmon and Richard DH , data warehousing is a collection of data that has a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant nature, and is fixed from the data collection in supporting management decision-making processes.
  • According to Vidette Poe, data warehousing is an analytical and read onlydatabase that is used as the foundation of a decision support system.

2. Explain The Meaning of The Following WareHouse Termms?
  • OLAP, is an approach that quickly provides answers to multidimensional analytical queries in nature. OLAP is part of a more global category of business thinking, which also summarizes the relationship between reporting and data mining. 
  • Dimension Table, is a collection of friend tables for the fact table.
  • The Fact Table, is a table that contains measurements about meters or facts about business methods. it is often placed in a centered star scheme and surrounded by a size table.

3. Explain The Differences Between Operational Data and The Data WareHouse?

  Operational Data :
  • Designed to be oriented only to certain applications and functions
  • The focus is on database design and processes
  • Contains details or detailed data
  • Relationships between tables based on the latest rules (always follow the latest rules)

  Data WareHouse :
  • Designed based on certain subjects (main)
  • The focus is on data modeling and data design
  • Contains history data that will be used in the analysis process
  • Many business rules can be presented between tables


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Data Mining Question and Answer (Softskill)
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